The commencement of this pioneer institution took place through the efforts of Geography lecturer, (Forbs Inter College, Reedganj, Faizabad) Sri Mahadev Prasad Verma (Srivastava) on June 28, 1932 at the residence of Babu Triloki Nath Srivastava, Leader, Dilkusha (at present-Dhara Road, Faizabad). The first meeting was held in the guidance of Sri N. N. Dutta. The Nomination of the college was on the name of Goddess of knowledge mother Veenavadini Saraswati and the college came into existence on July 4, 1993 from the class III. The first student of the college was Ganesh Prasad Srivastava S/o Shri Hathai Prasad R/o Mahajani Tola, Faizabad. The first study and teaching in the college began on September 28, 1932 in a proper way at Angooribagh in Raja Sahab, Peerpur Bhawan with the name of Anglo Vernacular Saraswati Vidyalaya.
Our Vision
The main motto of this prestigious college is to make your ward a sincere, persevering, honest and just loving and your cooperation is very important to attain this aim. Guardians will follow the rules of the college and they will provide their cooperation also time to time. Guardians will cooperate individually to solve the problems in favour of their wards and notifications which they will get from the college. Every guardian, as a member of P.T.A will cooperate fully to execute the proposals, given by the executive committee members (under the order of administration).
Smt. Saraswati Devi, (By chance the same named woman as Veenvadini Mother Saraswati) the mother-in-law of Babu Bishan Lal Arora, a famous dealer of the district donated rupees 5000/- and building in 1932. For this donation the college was named on her husband's name Shyam Sundar Saraswati Vidyalaya. The foundation of the college was founded by the deputy commissioner of the time Sri D. L. Brakmen, an I.C.S. Babu Shyam Lal Raje was the first one to collect donation for school. Sri Brij Nandan Prasad was appointed as principal in 1949. The college got recognition of high school and intermediate classes in different subjects till 1950. Sri Brij Nandan Prasad went to America from India under full Bright Scholarship in 1957. During this periods Shri Madan Mohan Vermaji (Speaker of Legislative Assembly of U.P.) came as the President of school committee. His skilful direction and supportive cooperation gave a new dimension to the development of the college. This college became the evaluation centre in the very first year of beginning of the evaluation method of Madhyamic Shiksha Parishad U.P. Allahabad. Through this step the glory of the college dispersed in the whole district.
Dr. Veerendra Kumar Tripathi ji was appointed as a principal on May 16, 1985 By the U.P. Madhyamic Shiksha Seva Chayan Board, Allahabad. The continuous progress and glory of the college began to flow like a sweet fountain by the efforts, honesty, devotion and Zeal of the only 32-33 years old Principal along with the cooperation of an enthusiastic, learned and dedicated Manager Sri Prem Narayan Mehrotra. The recognition of Commerce subjects for the High School and Intermediate classes was also obtained. The Cooperation of Parents-Teacher's Association for the construction of building is immense and incredible. Under the project of Central Government, Computer Education was started by N.C.E.R.T. Professional Education of Photography and Radio-Television was also started. Education Minister of that time Sri Raj Nath Singh ji founded 'Pandit Deen Dayal Sabhagar' in 1992. The level of education began to uplift and progressive because of restriction on cheating and copying in the board and home examination also. This technique proved useful to increase the numbers of the toppers in merit lists. The tireless efforts and hard works of the students in 2012 and 2013 gave an appex and glory to the college. Education Director provided certificate to the college for its better result and splendid performance and gave an opportunity to the college to be the Chief guest in Annual function. The creative and positive suggestions of young, dynamic Manager/President Shri Puneet Mehrotra's guidance are very important and useful for the development of this reputed institution. After 33 years of excellent service, Principal Dr. V. K. Tripathi was retired on April 30, 2018.
At present the glory of this prestigious institution is stepping on the bright span of progress rapidly in the skilled direction of an honest, energetic, hard working, Dynamic, amiable and learned Principal Dr. Mani Shankar Tiwari. He is very curious and expert in technical education also. Through his efforts, the college is endeavouring to achieve Digital India. This institution is fully equipped with C.C.T.V. Camera and voice recorder. Dr. Tiwari is determined for all round development of the students. As a result of your conscientiousness and academic interest, qualitative improvement is done in the academic level. Two R.O. Plant has been inaugurated by the visionarythinking of Dr. Tiwari and with the support of teachers-guardians association in the last session and the establishment of Two R. O. Plant is proposed also. Sound expander device equipped with latest technology has been established also in the college. Extra curricular activities as, sports, Magazine publication, Science exhibition, Scouting, Red Cross, N.C.C. and other cultural programmes etc. are on their full swing and continuing to establish a new paradigm.
There is a regular watch and observation of the students by the Principal of the college. There is a proper sitting arrangement of atleast 100 students in the well furnished library at a time. Almost 112 computers are always ready to work and teach the students in the well-furnished three computer lab. Managing committee and parents Teacher's association are working together to make the institution better and this present glorious! position of the college is the result of their extreme efforts. They always try to solve all the problems carefully and patiently. In this way, this institution is going on and on, on the path of glory and excellence. Many students are scattering the gems of fame of this college in India and abroad at different reputed posts in several departments. After getting recognition in English medium Science stream in 2010, an impressive, qualitative education began to flow among the students from 6th to 12th. Due to that, economical condition of the college improved and it began to develop rapidly.